Owner Occupied Housing Loan Programs Application Request

  • AEOA administers a variety of loan programs for eligible homeowners to make basic improvements to the safety, livability, energy efficiency and accessibility of their home. Examples of improvements include electrical wiring, furnace or boiler replacement, windows and doors, siding and roofing, plumbing, septic system upgrades, water heater, mold and radon mitigation, lead-based paint hazards. 

    To request an application, please complete the information below and  AEOA will contact you.

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  • Confirm the following:

  • I own and occupy the property listed above
  • Do you have a mortgage?
  • Have you applied for the Energy Assistance Program?
  • I am interested in the following loan programs
  • Contact:

    Beth Davies

    (218) 735-6819
    (800) 662-5711 ext. 6819

  • Mailing Address: AEOA Housing Services I 702 Third Avenue South, Virginia MN 55792 I Fax (218) 748-7333.  Office Address AEOA Housing Services I 2900 East Beltline, Suite 9, Hibbing, MN 55746